Commissioner of Police Noida


Commissioner Of Police IPS Alok Singh
Alok Singh
Contact No
Position Commissioner Of Police
Resi. Address Rajnigandha Circle,Captain Vijayant thapur Marg sector 19
Date of Birth NA
Social  Accounts NA

Commissioner of Police Noida has engaged with the forces of a leader judge and capacities accordingly. Commissioner of Police Noida is helped by one to a few Joint Commissioners of Police, who ordinarily hold the position of IGP (or Deputy IGP).

IPS Alok Singh Police Service (IPS) official, having a spot with the 1995 bunch, with an establishment in Marketing Management and Physics. He have been set up at the Center of Excellence at Vicenza, Italy, for managing International Police Interventions in upset social requests. He have successfully coordinated 10 zones of various budgetary status. Ensured Public Peace and Communal Harmony in Kanpur and Meerut. Progressed a secured air for business and undertaking to prosper. Lead gatherings of phenomenal warriors and distinctive human capacities. Lead exercises against Naxalites and was Awarded the President’s Medal For Conspicuous Gallantry. Have customarily been picked by different Establishments to Control Very Volatile conditions, either, as prepared attackers, shared violence, or colossal Association for Law and Order Situations? He have been readied/doled out as State Resource Person For Disaster Management, having been ready for Incident Command Systems.

He have a remarkable expert profile and establishment. Having deliberate capacities as an executive, He have secured the administrative aptitudes of a positioning chief through my exhaustive planning, contrasting experience, and worldwide introduction. Having visited numerous towns and spoken with an enormous number of commonplace people, farmers, workers, etc in my field postings, He have the immediate comprehension and feel of the Psyche of Indian masses and the Security Scenario.

Remarkable use of Technology in Governance. Push Large gatherings to act in horrible conditions. An outstanding cognizance of Human Psychology.Ability to work Seamlessly with Senior Political/Permanent Executives.


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Commissioner Of Police Noida

Commissioner Of Police Noida